Monday, 22 December 2008

If you would like to contribute

For past few months I have been inactive on blogosphere, but I plan to do the work which was supposed to be done months back. Being late always has done damage to the plans which were to be executed. Nonetheless, here is an start.

If you want to contribute to the blog, please send an email to both of us. There are few more admins, but I would like not to disturb them at this point of time.
Email's are
TO : chhajer at gmail dot com, avi at jodhpuriguy dot com

Note : We are from B.Tech2003, or say Class of' 07. So if you think that we might not know about you, add a referrer the CC section of e-mail.

Who can be a referrer?
Anyone whom I have known personally, is and can be one. I've mostly known all "good" CS/DotA players till B.Tech2005, add DC++ Operators till B.Tech2005 to the list too. If you are a junior, then just ask from 4th years, they should know me, hopefully!
Just ask them if the name "DarK" or "Abhishek Chhajer" or "Avi Mehta" rings any bells in their head, if it does, there you go. You've just found a referrer!

For new people to the blog, here is what we write about

Hoping to know much more about you, DA-IICT, and us. This is all for now.


Chintan Agarwal said...

Ya man, there should be more posts here from chaps on campus. We are interested in even the most trivial things that happen on campus. Hope to hear more about happenings at DAIICT and other things through this blog.

DarK said...

what people "inside" don't understand is, that how much we miss the place :(

I'll talk to a few of 4th years, get some of them here. If anyone has any contact please get them to mail me, or message on my GTalk.

Mouse said...

ah well, its better to remember the way it used to be, and not see the place now and ruin perfectly good memories..