Friday, 28 September 2007





Ok, alright it's not that big deal, but just that you know I got my DA-IICT email forwarding enabled now.

All my DA-IICT emails are now automatically forwarded to my GMail ID now.. which is kinda nice as DAIICT gives us only 5MB Inbox.

That's all folks from my side.

Note: Not many people are active here, so it kinds of defeats the purpose of the blog. I want to test few things

    1. Do anyone looks at the blog at all !
    2. Is anyone interested in blogging here at all !

I'll put up a poll soon.

Have fun

Abhishek aka DarK

EDIT : for people who wanted to know how I got it done

I mailed the sysadmin [at] daiict about 6 times to setup a forwarding to my GMail.

Friday, 21 September 2007

University of Florida

Look at the page, watch the video

And if you were at the scene, then do tell us in a bit detail.

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Student Rockstar


FYI: This one is a do not miss contest for college students.

Student Rockstar

Friday, 14 September 2007

Cricket! (Kriket)

Alrighty.. the bad news

Dravid has resigned as a captain of Indian cricket team.

and if you have fast Internet connection, then you might want to try this out

It shows ball by ball animated cricket match, live !

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Posting Spree

Well, if you are reading this blog, then you must've noticed the posting spree I am on, all this is because of windows live writer. It's a FREE software by Microsoft ( read correctly it's free, don't know if it's open source ), but it's one good piece of software. If you are a regular blogger, then you must give it a try. It supports Blogger, Wordpress and many other blogging engine, and the software is NOT available for Linux users. ;)

This is blasphemy/madness whatever

Well I am one of the unlucky/lucky guys who bought that damned sweatshirt of Class of'07, but the problem here is I don't see any time soon that I can use it. So free advice for juniors, get a T-shirt for Class of'08, I agree sweatshirt looks better, but usage is too restricted, and most of the people after passing out will work in south of India, somewhere and if it's like as in Chennai, then wearing the sweatshirt is a dream.

Sunday, 9 September 2007

Look around Chennai

For those who know more than just my name ( well few don't even know that, but my post is for those who know me :P), I think they can recall how lazy am I. Well friends that hasn't faded yet, but I did went on a "cycle trip" to Mahabalipuram and a recent trip for bird watching. For those who want to see some pictures,

The whole point of going on a cycle, we could stop midway to visit the beach. Picture taken early morning


The Mahabalipuram Shore Temple


Tired people :)

Lazy crocodiles in the "Crocodile Park"

My footsteps

Mahabalipuram is famous for it's Shore Temple and some more old sculptures, found nearby. And there is are quite some number of tourists, mostly from rest of Asia? I am not sure. Whatever, the point is there are tourists around there, so everything is quite costly.

For those who have all the time in their life to waste, I have uploaded about 100 (to be exact 98) pictures of the trip.

2. Bird watching :- First of all, unfortunately due to effect of lack of sleep, on a humans capability to recall stuff I forgot to take my camera for the trip :(, but still I have few questions.

  1. How many kinds of crow you know of?
  2. Who is/was Salim Ali?

try to answer without googling!

Linux/Fedora 7 and ATI Graphics Card.. eh ?

Hello windows users!, and hello fellow Linux (in particular Fedora 7) users ;-)

Yeah, I just installed Fedora 7 on my new Sony Vaio laptop, and it works great. I still have to figure out few new things, but I am happy as it's working for almost everything I need(I just need a console, few manuals, a browser and Internet). Here are few tips for people who don't find much help on ATI Graphics cards and Linux(in general).

  1. Install Linux in text mode, few Linux distro's (like ubuntu) use graphical install, which won't work for you. There are bootup commandline switches (generally accessible by hitting F1). Fedora 7 has command line installation option from the boot menu itself so it's easy there. Note you might need ubuntu alternate disk to use the commandline install, I used alternate-install disk. Always try to get DVD versions of installations whenever possible.

  2. Fedora 7 DVD version has support for my Wireless Card (Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Adapter) out of box so it saved me hassle of getting on to a wired network for installing the ATI Graphics Drivers, which can be found at ATI website. Here is the kink in the story, I needed to download it from the website, and I don't know how to use those text based browsers, so I needed to use laptop of my room-mate to get the link of drivers I needed.

  3. Used wget to download the drivers ( The link for Linux x86 32 bit computers is ) Pasted the link so that you can (type it for wget), Alternately the link is here.

  4. To install the drivers you need to execute this command

./ --buildpkg Fedora/F7

If you are using some other distro of Linux you will need to find the correct switch, execute this command and read the instructions that come on your screen.


a useful hint is you will need something like

./ --buildpkg <switch>

where <switch> is the missing argument.

5. One you get the things set, under Fedora 7, you will get about 5-6 RPM files, you might choose what you don't want to install, but for me as a new user, I just installed all! If you are interested in finding out which file does what, then you might want to go on some IRC Channel to ask. Nuf said, to install the rpm files use

rpm -ihv *.rpm

in the directory where the driver rpm's are present.

6. If you get dependencies error use

yum install <missing dependency filename>

under Fedora 7, I believe "apt" can be used in similar way

7. Type gdm while you are logged as root, or use startx as normal user

8. All done? You need to follow this link to get a graphical display on bootup

9. All right reboot!, use reboot command on the console.

10. Post as comment what you see when you reboot :)

Note : This guide is written by a Linux newbie for Linux newbie, who has experience of working on Linux for few months, mostly for shell scripting and network programming, so he mostly worked on a terminal. Keep that in mind. This guide is written by sheer lack of Google results and support on forums for "Linux and Sony Vaio" or "Linux and ATI" when compared to "Linux and Nvidia" on any forum. Use it at your own risk. I am not responsible if anything goes wrong with your system/computer/laptop.

The post originally appeared here.

Friday, 7 September 2007

Centre for Entrepreneurship and Incubation at DA-IICT

For those who do not check the DAIICT mail.


DA-IICT has started the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Incubation at DA-IICT (CEID) with the motive of encouraging students with an entrepreneurial bent of mind to come up with innovative ideas and channelize their efforts to give birth to new ventures. Please look up the website for more about CEID.

To mark its inaugural, CEID has organized an event on Sunday, September 9, 2007. The basic idea of the event is that all the student teams will be given some seed money and are expected to raise as much profit as they can in one day, using their entrepreneurship skills and creative thinking. The prize distribution ceremony would be held on September 10, 2007.

Please find the event details at

Students are invited to take interest and participate in this event in good numbers.

Faculty members and staff are requested to kindly encourage and guide students who may seek their guidance.

Naman Arora (BTech 2007) is working as part-time Coordinator at CEID. He can be reached at Details about Naman’s own start-up venture can be found at

On behalf of CEID: Naresh Jotwani, Rahul Dubey, Manish Gupta, Naman Arora